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Welcome to St. James.



Serve with us.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
People who share their talents of knitting or crocheting by making shawls for those who will be wrapped in prayers.The Prayer Shawl Ministry primarily provides comfort and peace through a tangible gift of a handmade prayer shawl, mantle or lap robe, regardless of the need. Any requests are honored and can be directed to Barbara Hart at (931) 636-8281 (and leave message) or Anyone interested in participating in this rewarding ministry should also contact Barbara. Experienced knitting/crochet welcomed.

Daughters of the King
A religious order for lay women who take vows to live a rule of life that includes prayer, works and study. DOK meets the second Tuesday of every month. Daughters also coordinate special church celebrations and arrange for food to be taken to those who have been ill or have suffered traumatic life events.

Community Action Committee
CAC serves those in need who live in our community. Please support the CAC with your gifts of non-perishable food items. Their current hours of operation are 9-11 am Monday through Friday at The Episcopal Parish of St. Mark & St. Paul on the Mountain in Sewanee. The CAC phone number is 931-598-5927.
James Stephens is the CAC board representative for St. James.

Mission Council
The Mission Council of St. James meets every third Thursday of the month at 3:00 p.m. in the parish hall. These meetings are open to anyone.

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