Welcome to St. James.
Gather with us.
The Beloved Community Committee
The St. James Beloved Community Committee recently was formed to promote racial justice education in our community. If you would like to learn more or if you would like to serve on the committee, please contact Chris Colane at chriscolane@gmail.com.
The book study group grew out of the Beloved Community series last fall. We meet over Zoom for exactly one hour every other week. This book, subtitled "The Truth about the American Church's Complicity in Racism," should take us 6 sessions at most. We'd love to have new members! For more information, contact Margaret Stephens at mgtstep@gmail.com.
Daughters of the King
Daughters of the King will meet on Sunday,
​April 16th at 10:15 a.m. at St. James. The Daughters of the King’s Rule of Life includes prayer, service, being and seeing Christ in ourselves and one another. For more information, please contact Pixie Dozier at 931-598-5869.